Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Beautiful Day!

After heavy rains yesterday and most of this morning we had a very nice afternoon. I decided to take our son on a nature walk through the woods behind our house. We know the deer walk through there regularly so we were watching for deer sign (which we saw lots of) and anything to indicate spring might be coming along soon. Here are some deer tracks in the snow. I elected not to photograph the copious amounts of other signs we saw of deer! :0

Here is one of the signs of spring we saw while out and about. I am so excited to see the leaf buds on the trees!

We then walked up the road to the power lines. Our son sometimes comes here on the skimobles with the neighbor boy and his dad. He was showing me where they ride. Did you know these big power lines actually "hummm" with electricity? They do! It is really quite disconcerting.
Here is our son, with a stick~isn't that how all boys are outside if we ain't saying, "Put that stick down!" So he would start running and and drag the stick through the water and watch the splash and wake. (He loves it when daddy drives fast through puddles too!)
When we walked around the corner and our house came into view our son said, " Thank you mom for going on a walk." How sweet. As we walked in the front door my cell phone rang.
It was my husband. (The car was in the drive so I figured he was seeing when I would be back.)
Me: Hi honey.
Husband: Where are you?
Me: We just walked in the door, I was calling your name instead of answering the phone.
Husband: That's too far.
Me: Oh? Why. where are you in the back? (I'm thinking he is in the back yard looking towards the trees as he knew we were going on a walk.)
Husband: No, I tracked you. But you left the dirt and snow and walked into the street and I didn't know where you went for sure.
Me: {laughs} Sorry, we were to quick for you! We went up to the power lines, then walked around the long way home.
Husband: Yeah, I figured that's where you went because that the direction your feet walked out of the snow.
Me: Well we will walk up and meet you. Which way are you going to go?
Husband : Past Eric's.
Me: OK, see you in a few.
Well, we didn't go home, we walked back up to the power lines. Then we went for a walk through another woods.
Look what we could see! The ground!

Here is our son sitting and a rock in the sun, isn't he handsome!

Here we saw this sign up high in a tree. We looked around and there was obviously NOT a tree farm anywhere near. Our son is about 4 1/2 feet tall. The bark has grown over the top of the sign. We figure the sign was about 6 foot off the ground when it was first posted. It looks to be about 13 feet high now. We thought it was pretty neat to know that the area was once upon a time a tree farm.

We walked along the skimoble trail until the water became deep from melting snow to go on. We found some owl pellets, we brought one home to dissect later. They are $5.00 to order by mail!

So we had a great walk that lasted a little over 2 hours.

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