Thursday, February 21, 2008

Afternoon Activities at the Children's Library

Our town has a great Children's Library with many free educational programs! We spend a lot of time there. They have a Passports Program where each month a different country is highlighted. They have covered Costa Rica, Italy, Germany,China, and Turkey. Sadly I completely forgot the Turkey program this week. There are about 8 per year. They also have Time Travelers Program. Our son has participated in WWII and The Black Death, with Pirates coming in March. He has also praticipated in a couple of science programs. This week the Aquarium brought some Jelly Fish and did a program on Jellies! Tomorrow there is a puppet show we are attending. I don't think he has ever been to a puppet show before. I really love our Children's Library and thier staff and I try to let them know often how much we love and appreciate their programs for kids!
This is the weather vane at the top of the steeple of the local library in the late afternoon sun. You can see it at night here.

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